sábado, 14 de agosto de 2010


...but we don't.

“I offer you peace,” he said. “I offer you love. I offer you friendship. I see your beauty. I hear your need. I feel your feelings. My wisdom flows from the Highest Source. I salute that Source in you. Let us work together for unity and love.”

Ghandi fought for peace, love and, mainly, freedom. He did not support violence, but he encouraged people to fight for their beliefs and not to accept evil as something natural.

Ghandi based his lessons on some of the most truthful, beautiful and everlasting ancient Indian traditions, cultural facts long forgotten by his people that he brought to his time, professing that only someone that deeply understood their country’s past and soul could conduct politics properly.
If, in all human history, there has been a man that spoke for his country and for the peace that mankind deserve, this person would be Mohandas Karamchad Gandhi (in hindi: मोहनदास करमचन्द गान्धी) the “Great Soul”, who was born on the second half of the 19th century.

Get peace, think peace and live peace and breathe peace,

...and you'll get it as soon as you like - John Lennon.

The Law '' Maria da Penha ''

The law '' Maria da Penha ''
(number 11,340) decreed by the National Congress and sanctioned by Brazil's President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on August 7, 2006; promotes the increase in the severity of punishments of violence against women when occurring in domestic or family scenario. The law entered into force on September 22, 2006, and the next day, the first assailant was arrested in Rio de Janeiro, after trying to strangle the ex-wife.

Campaign against infantile violence

Is being publicized in the world, the campaign against infantile violence, given by the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.

Trends of violence

Even with the global crisis, some municipal governments, State and federal level, from the second half of the 1990s, suggest a possible move today of the scenario. Indicators of violence in Brazil show a drop in crime rates, as shown in chart beside.

What is interesting is that the same downtrend in crime rates also appears in the statistics of developed countries, as for example the United States of America and England.

How to explain these data if our feeling is that violence has only increased?

sexta-feira, 13 de agosto de 2010


I just found this pic guys, isn't it gorgeous? What do you think? Send us some pics too, lets imitate those girls, because PEACE IS THE WAY and we all should try using a tiny portion of our time to send this wonderful message to everybody. Bless ya!

Gandhi (the film)

     The film tells the story of the greatest leaders of nonviolence, Mohandas k. Gandhi (played by actor Ben Kingsley). Is of British and Indian origin, made in 1982, biographical, headed by Director Richard Attenborough.

Gandhi movie Trailer:

Violence in General

Violence has become a part of our everyday life. Many campaigns have been made to contain this problem. There are two different categories of violence:

Physical violence: the perpetrator uses physical strength to overwhelm his victim.

Psychological violence: the perpetrator uses offensive language to impose their will, without any concern about the rights of others.

  ''All individuals have the right to individual liberty''

Bullying: violence in school

     Bullying is the name used to describe acts of deliberate and repeated violence occurring usually in the school, with the intent to intimidate or assaulting the victim. The bully usually found on bullying a way to feel superior to others, thus pointing wherever possible weaknesses of their victims.
     The techniques most used by bullies are as follows: physical attacks often insulting the victim with offensive words, spread negative rumors, social isolation, threats to victim, do the victim move shame in front of co-workers, among others, and can cause serious consequences as emotional trauma in their victims, that can reach the point they need help for psychological treatment.
     Many famous also suffered bullying while attended the College, such as Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, Justin Timberlake, Megan Fox, Eminem, among others.
     Bulling isn't good. If you know someone who suffers from it, help it. Because you will benefit from a new friendship or maybe saving a life.

Verbal violence

     Verbal violence is usually linked to the psychological violence. Part of the aggressors uses this violence against family members, even when they are in the presence of unfamiliar. By having less physical strength and by the judgment in which physical violence is only practiced by men, the woman uses most often verbal violence, but this kind of violence is committed not only by women.
     By intimate psychological reasons, normally by problems and conflicts, some people use this violence for torturing the life of others, wanting to hear confessions of things that the victim not because, as, for example, an alleged treason. Verbal violence exist even without the presence of words, the verbal assailant stops talking q was necessary, hurting more than if it had said. In such cases the cyberbully's art is on show that has something to say and not say, besides making the victim feel guilty, while talking that never asked anything and never complained of nothing.

quinta-feira, 12 de agosto de 2010

Domestic violence

     What is domestic violence?
     Domestic violence is a universal problem that affects many people and often silently. It happens in both sexes and normally does not conform to any social class, religious, economic or cultural. Its importance is relevant in two ways: by suffering indescribably victims often silent, and also because of domestic violence, including sexual abuse, obstruct the healthy mental and physical development of the victim.
     According to the Ministry of health, domestic violence is the leading cause of death of young people between 5 and 19 years. Most of it, from the home environment. UNICEF believes that every day, 18 thousand children and teenagers are beaten in Brazil. Domestic violence and Accidents cause 64.4% of deaths in children and adolescents in the country, according to data from 1997.
     For some authors, domestic violence is the result of physical aggression to mate. For other inclusion of children also characterizes the domestic violence. The victim of domestic violence, typically have low self-esteem and have emotional dependency or material. The attacker typically says that the victim is responsible aggression and says suffer a major guilt and shame.
     The victim feels abused and betrayed. The aggressor promises not to commit violence never again with the victim, but this Act makes the repeat. In some situations, domestic violence persists chronically because one of the involved accepts, it imposes on the situation. Domestic violence is found in many houses of addicted to drugs and alcohol.

segunda-feira, 9 de agosto de 2010

Mahatma Gandhi

   Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was an Indian spiritual leader and pacifist. He was born in the Indian city of Bombay, in 1869. During his childhood and adolescence, he was educated in India. When an adult, he studied in London (England), where he graduated in law school. Once back on his homeland, he became a member of the Bombay High Court.

   In 1893 he moved to South Africa to work as a lawyer. He acted in defense of the Hindu minority living in this African country, fighting for equal rights.
   In 1914 he returned to India, where he began a campaign for peace among Hindus and Muslims who lived in conflict.
   He also worked against British rules in India. Gandhi advocated the creation of an autonomous state in India. Because of these thoughts, he was arrested several times. Gandhi was against violence, advocating the peaceful forms of protest.
   He was a leading figure in the process of Indian independence. He has got good results on creating a peaceful relationship between muslims and hindus. In 1948, he was murdered in New Delhi by a member of a radical hindu group. After his death, he started to be referred as Mahatma Gandhi.