quinta-feira, 12 de agosto de 2010

Domestic violence

     What is domestic violence?
     Domestic violence is a universal problem that affects many people and often silently. It happens in both sexes and normally does not conform to any social class, religious, economic or cultural. Its importance is relevant in two ways: by suffering indescribably victims often silent, and also because of domestic violence, including sexual abuse, obstruct the healthy mental and physical development of the victim.
     According to the Ministry of health, domestic violence is the leading cause of death of young people between 5 and 19 years. Most of it, from the home environment. UNICEF believes that every day, 18 thousand children and teenagers are beaten in Brazil. Domestic violence and Accidents cause 64.4% of deaths in children and adolescents in the country, according to data from 1997.
     For some authors, domestic violence is the result of physical aggression to mate. For other inclusion of children also characterizes the domestic violence. The victim of domestic violence, typically have low self-esteem and have emotional dependency or material. The attacker typically says that the victim is responsible aggression and says suffer a major guilt and shame.
     The victim feels abused and betrayed. The aggressor promises not to commit violence never again with the victim, but this Act makes the repeat. In some situations, domestic violence persists chronically because one of the involved accepts, it imposes on the situation. Domestic violence is found in many houses of addicted to drugs and alcohol.

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